1. I am Ruth Nicholson. currenlty living in Georgia, between Gainesville, Athens, and Commerce. I just started massage therapy school last week and it's the most fun education I've ever engaged in. I haven't found a church yet, but I'm looking for a job as a church musican (because church music is the epitomy of the things I find most important in life.)I graduated from Southern Wesleyan University with a B.A. in Music (voice) and biology. I like knowing what people look like so here's a pic of me.
2. My life's theme song is not necessarily my favorite song (however I do have a WONDERFUL operatic verision I put on repeat) to listen to but the words are powerful for me. It's a hymn called, Make me a Captive. It's about losing myself in the power of God and finding my life in Him. The operatic version makes me want to cry almost every time I hear it.
3. I believe that I do not deserve the love of God.
4. One question I constantly have is, "HOW releveant is the bible?" I know it is relevant. I know it is powerful. I believe it is inspired by God. I believe it is useful for teaching and correcting. Hermeneutics deals with exegesis and interpretation of the scriptures. This science is one that many people study for years and I feel there are so few concrete answers to interpretation. I know one side of the argument is for people to adhere to a literal application of the bible while some brush away HUGE truths (non-literal application) by covering them with a blanket of cultural irrelevancy.
5. (section of the bible) First of all, the bible is not out to get us. It's not out to steal our freedom, infact, it is there to free us. My brother-in-law asks, "If you could know with Absolute Certainty that Jesus Christ came as God's son to save the world and give us life and that the bible is God's chosen instrument of universal instruction, would you then submit yourself to its authority?"
It took me months to answer confidently.
Romans 3:20 Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sigh by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin. (OK, so what's next?) 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.
So, by believing this explanation of salvation by Paul is true, it makes me want to accept the rest of the story. --There's nothing I can do to make God love me, there's nothing I have to do, I just want to know the Spirit he left behind. Not necessarily know my spirit, but His. Then Col 3:14 says, And over all these virtuees put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you....
--So, peace and love come out of a thankfulness of the sacrifice (redemption) of Christ. (This answer has taken me a long time, ....*sigh)
6 and 7. I'd love to accomplish some hermeneutics with you guys on a gospel or one of paul's letters. Colossians is choc full of stuff that needs some dialogue. I think Mark and John are 2 of the most discussable Gospels. The Red Tent sounds VERY interesting but I think I'd rather discuss something less lengthy. I'm excited to contribute and to be challenged in my way of thinking. I imagine my background is more evangelical than the majority of you all since I went to a private (evangelical) christian college that (to my dismay) was fairly conservative (although not excessively). I also love it that the study is online. (So If I want to blog at 3am, i can. And I can also post over time as I'm reading and analyzing and I can make my thoughts more clear.) The only thing I'm wondering about is if anyone is easily offended at disagreements. I dont want to argue anything to the point of turning someone off and losing the good a group like this can accomplish. I'm excited.
--Sorry to pull up the rear, but someone's gotta do it. :)
oh yeah, BLUE LIKE JAZZ by Donald Miller is the BEST BOOK I've read about Christian Spirituality vs. Religion in today's culture. It's an easy read.
oh yeah, BLUE LIKE JAZZ by Donald Miller is the BEST BOOK I've read about Christian Spirituality vs. Religion in today's culture. It's an easy read.
I think disagreements are fabulous - the way we think - the way we learn - the way we grow. I think they are important, and welcome. As long as there is mutual respect and disagreements are in the "This is why I think . . . or How come you think . . . " format rather than the "I am right and you are wrong" format I think everything will be fine.
I'm excited!
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