Monday, October 1, 2007


Welcome to our blog! :)

I would like to go ahead and get started, so I was thinking for this first week maybe we could all just share briefly about where we are coming from. Sometime this week (before next Monday) if everyone could write a brief post, and share as much of the following as you are willing:

1. Your name/what you are doing/where you live

2. If you had a theme song for your life, what would it be?

3. One thing you believe

4. One question you have

5. One verse/story/book or something else in the Bible that means something to you, and what it means - this could be something that angers you, confuses you, makes you think of Sunday School, reminds you of a song . . . whatever. All thoughts are welcome.

6. One area of Scripture/religion/the bible/faith that you would like to learn more about.

7. Any specific expectations you may have for this group or specific suggestions you may have such as a particular book or books you are interested in learning more about, a different format for discussion, or whatever is on your mind.

:) Thanks. Much love to all of you. I am really excited about all that is to come!


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