Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Confessions on Light in Questions
I haven't posted on this board since I introduced myself months ago, and I haven't even picked up my bible since then.
Come to think of it, I haven't picked up a bible (except that teen Bible to find the funny devotion about the cat in the microwave -- long story) to actually sit down and read it in about two years.
This thought occurred to me today. While I haven't been posting, I have been at least trying to keep up on what everybody else is posting, and contemplating that. After reading this most recent post (on John and shying away from holiness and practicing the trumpet), I figured it was about time to say something other than my name and what I do for a living.
For some reason, that line in John (and that last post, which interpreted it beautifully) struck a chord with me. It seemed to say that we shrink even further into our weird little selves when we're angry at God or the church, because God is perhaps the light and we don't want to expose ourselves in that light.
I completely agree.
My only problem is, I so rarely find that light in church... and I've discovered that the times when I'm angriest at God are when I'm somehow involved in a church.
Church and I had a bit of a falling out a while back. Okay, not a bit, pretty much a huge falling out. I tend to find God elsewhere, in unconventional places, sometimes even in sinful places.
Mountains, breezes, the black outlines of winter trees against sunsets, laughing, cursing, a good beer buzz, pedestrians smelling roses in front of sorority houses (another long story), questions... Most of all, I find God in the questions.
I find light in the questions.
Now, please understand, this is a personal prejudice of mine, and is perhaps some kind of strange neurosis... but church tends to block out the light for me. Or, perhaps a better explanation, I'm not good at looking for, finding and recieving light in church.
I don't think I hide from it...or if I do, I don't do so consciously, because it seems that I find that light in so many other places. It took me a while to discover that it wasn't God that I was angry with, it wasn't God I was falling out with, but church.
...which is maybe why I like talking about religion so makes me ask questions, makes me examine myself, makes me find that light again, even if I have been hiding from it.
I hope you all find holiness in light wherever you go (even in 6x6 practice cells).
...and sorry it took me so freakin' long.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Finally, a response...
Reading the gospels like this, pieces at a time, makes it very clear how different John is from the Synoptics. Maybe it's because it's the last thing I read, but what's sticking in my mind now is John. "For all who do evil hate the light and do not come to the light, so that their deeds may not be exposed." This is so amazingly true. Maybe it's just me, but any time I drift away from the church for any length of time, I find the thought of God really negative. I don't want to think about church or God or religion...I just don't want to think about any of it. "But those who do what is true may come into the light, so that it may clearly be seen that their deeds have been done in God." This makes me wonder. It's so hard to know if what we do is done through God or just in ourselves. I spend hours a day practicing trumpet. Is God in all of that, or is it something else pulling me away from Him? It's hard to find holiness in a 6x6 practice room. Is there such a thing as neither one or the other? Are there actions that have nothing whatsoever to do with God, but that aren't detrimental? (Wow, that was quite a tangent.)
John's cleansing of the temple comes early. That's interesting to me. I can see wonderful symbolism in the beginning and the end. As in John, at the beginning--the old corruption and broken ways are being tossed aside. Something new is coming, and the trash we've filled the temple with has to go away now. The cleansing of the temple is probably one of my favorite parts of the gospels. It's such an amazingly prophetic action, and I find a new emotion of love and strength each time I read it.
I wish we had more of an account of Jesus growing up, even if it's not really vital, I guess. There's one year that Anne Rice writes about in Christ the Lord out of Egypt, but I'm not really sure if I liked that book. Has anyone else read it?
Sorry for the rambling and focus on John. Thanks if you read this far.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
I like John, too :)
My thoughts are random and unrelated.
Why do the Scriptures trace Jesus's geneology through fathers? Wasn't Hebrew heritage passed through the mother's line? Today children are Jewish if their mother is Jewish. Why, then, is patriarchy still so evident in the Scriptures?
Luke used to be my favorite book of the bible because I liked the Christmas story best. It is very visual, and more concrete. It makes great pageants. It makes great pict'sure books. But what does it really mean?
Angels appearing to shepards. That's a powerful image. A powerful statement. Glorious angels to lowly shepards. It's like appearing to dairy farmers, or trash collectors, or something.
One of my favorite bible verses comes from Luke. It's when Zechariah can finally talk again, and he's praising God. It's one of those blessings you read over and over again in morning prayers in the Epicsobal liturgy. This translation is from the Message, and I think it does the best job:
God's Sunrise will break in upon us, Shining on those in the darkness, those sitting in the shadow of death, Then showing us the way, one foot at a time, down the path of peace.Now, though, John is my favorite. Because it's less pretty. Because it leaves a lot of room to feel and understand. I always feel so hopeful when I read John. I am like, Yes. That is the Jesus I know. (Which of course, is probably a sin of arrogance in itself.) But it's something I can put my teeth into, as well as my heart. It's something I can meld with the way I understand religion and the world. And Light. Quakers talk about Inner Light. That of the Divine in every person. I love that. It's such a beautiful way to approach the world.
It's interesting how different things were important to different authors, but it makes sense. Different things are important to different people, and different times in our lives. We each have our lense through which we see the Gospel. See the World. See God.
I don't believe in virgin birth, per se. I don't disbelieve it. For one thing, there's a lot of things Mary could have done that weren't intercourse that could have resulted in a kid. But for another . . . miracles happen. All the time. And who am I to decide about this one? I don't think it matters though. Or really the Resurrection. I think the most miraculous thing about Jesus is the way that he lived his life. Selflessy, beautifully, full of renewal and healing and honesty. I think that's important. That's what makes me want to believe.
This is unrelated, but due to my last week, I have some questions of my own. Afterlife, anyone? Do you believe in Heaven? Hell? Anything? Why? And why does it matter? And how does it matter? And if it comes down to it, and you don't believe in Heaven, and you don't have any answers . . . what are you supposed to tell your friend who's mother just died? Where does the hope come from, exactly? And God? Where does that all fit in? I am not expecting concrete answers. I've been around too long to hope for that. But I have been asking the questions, and I can't find an answer that's good enough . . . even for myself. I know it's something about love, right? But that almost seems childish. It almost seems not good enough.
Anyway, know that I am not bitter. I am just lost. Completely. And I would love to hear what you have to say.
The next readings are as follows:
Matthew 2:13-23 and 3:1-17 and 4:1-11
Mark 1:2-13
Luke 2:39-52 and 1:80 and 3:1-18 and 3:21-23 and 4:1-13
John 1:6-51 and 2:1-25 and 3:1-28
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
i like john
Abby, I was just reading over your post, and I noticed you asked about the connotation of "the word" in the original text. I know I learned about this in my Rise of Christianity class, but I don't have a clear memory of the exact meaning. So I looked it up on the Internet....this may be an incorrect explanation, but this is what I think it means. "Logos" was the original Greek word used, and the "logos" was a being who was present with God from the beginning of Creation, and who became human in the person of Christ. So essentially, the "logos" was the being of the Son of God before he existed on earth as Christ. The idea of the "logos" being with God from the beginning of time was used to argue for the doctrine of the Trinity. The concept of the "logos" was used to counter the Arians, early Christian heretics who believed that God was one and that the Son of God had not been with God since creation, but who had achieved God-like status on earth through merit. Ultimately, (of course) the doctrine of the Trinity was accepted and Arianism faded out. (hope that made sense...)
I liked the hopeful sense of the beginning of Mark: "The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, Son of God." It provides an interesting parallel to the end of Mark, when the disiplines "went out and proclaimed the good news everywhere" (16:20).
I also thought Mary's speech was really interesting in Luke 1:47-55. Mary definitely makes her future son sound more like of powerful earthly ruler than like the gentle, loving person of Christ. She says, "He has shown stregnth with his arm...he has brought down the powerful from their thrones."
I'll add some more later...
Thursday, October 18, 2007
happy birthday jesus and erin.
so much that could be said and asked about each one of these texts. the beginning of the gospels. the introduction of christ. the christmas story that is easy to rush through because it seems so familiar. each account seems so different. what do we make of inconsistencies? do they lead to doubt of scripture's reliability? do they give us insight into the motives of the writers?do they help us understand the overall story from a variety of perspectives? do they give us different ways to personally connect to scripture?
i'm a fan of john. and the opening paragraph already sets up themes that reoccur throughout. the emphasis on jesus' oneness with God. a union that has existed since "the beginning" (whenever that was). the symbolism of Light. an intangible something. not directly seen. or touched. but a source of illumination. that which allows us to see. i associate "the Word" with Christ, but i don't necessarily understand the meaning of it. what was its connotation in the original text? why did the author not feel it necessary to give details of "the Word becoming flesh?" perhaps that absense of a literal birth story adds to the mystery and divinity of Christ so evident in john.
mark, the gospel written first, gives no birth story. but starts "the beginning of the good news" with john the baptist and jesus as grown ups. did the author consider the birth story irrelevant? why did the birth story gain relevance in later gospels?
matthew and luke. very different accounts of the same event. in matthew, joseph sees the angel. wise men visit. my version says wise men find jesus in a house. whoa. what about the lowly manger? there's something regal and magical about the birth. i wonder what was going on astrologically to prompt the magi to travel so far. the author makes it known first thing that this is The Messiah. a direct descendent of abraham. i often skim through geneologies. but it is interesting to slow down and look at them. interesting the women included in matthew's list: rahab, ruth, the wife of uriah, and mary. interesting that matthew starts with abraham. goes by fathers. where as luke - who saves the geneology business for a few chapters in, perhaps it not being as top priority - starts with jesus, ends with God. goes by sons. john the baptist is absent in matthew. but an important figure in luke's story. different people are graced with angels in luke: zechariah, mary, and the shepherds. and its in luke where mary and joseph settle for that lowly manger. more ordinary guests. more humble setting.
how much do the differences in the stories relate to the authors' purposes and agendas? how do we approach the inconsistencies? and what do you make of the virgin birth? do you believe that literally? and to use a phrase so eloquently put by my friend matt: what would if feel like to get "knocked up by the holy spirit?" how do you feel about the connection made between having favor with God and becoming a mother - in the case of both mary and elizabeth? how do you feel about mary's spirit of surrender? do you have a favorite account? is there one you connect the most with? what details do you question? are there parts you can't accept?
Sunday, October 14, 2007
The Gospels
So . . . most everyone I have talked to seems to be interested in the Gospels. I have spoken to one person who is not so excited about the idea, but everyone else seems really interested. So . . . I think we can start with that and agree to do an Old Testament, perhaps with a novel comparison, next. If you are completley turned off by this idea, please let us know ASAP.
Otherwise, I found a cool website that actually has all 4 Gospels parallel in chronological order. So I think we could go by that, doing one part each week, and see how it goes.
Part one is posted at the link in the title. The verses are as follows:
John 1:1-5
Matthew 1 (all) and 2:1-12
Mark 1:1
Luke 1 (all); 2:1-38; and 3:23B-38
The website lists them actually in order, but I would recommend us each reading them from our own translations and not soley relying on the version on the website.
Ok. So . . . try to read Part 1 and post something before next Sunday, October 21. And feel free to respond to one another's posts as soon as they are up. And let everyone know if you have questions or concerns.
Peace and love,
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
preferences... sort of.
1) comparing the different gospels
2) reading an old testament/apocrypha book and gospel together
3) looking at some of paul's letters
the novel idea sounds great eventually. and as soon as i know i can make efforts to get a copy.
that may not have contributed towards a decision at all.
what's everyone else thinking?
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

1. I am Ruth Nicholson. currenlty living in Georgia, between Gainesville, Athens, and Commerce. I just started massage therapy school last week and it's the most fun education I've ever engaged in. I haven't found a church yet, but I'm looking for a job as a church musican (because church music is the epitomy of the things I find most important in life.)I graduated from Southern Wesleyan University with a B.A. in Music (voice) and biology. I like knowing what people look like so here's a pic of me.
2. My life's theme song is not necessarily my favorite song (however I do have a WONDERFUL operatic verision I put on repeat) to listen to but the words are powerful for me. It's a hymn called, Make me a Captive. It's about losing myself in the power of God and finding my life in Him. The operatic version makes me want to cry almost every time I hear it.
3. I believe that I do not deserve the love of God.
4. One question I constantly have is, "HOW releveant is the bible?" I know it is relevant. I know it is powerful. I believe it is inspired by God. I believe it is useful for teaching and correcting. Hermeneutics deals with exegesis and interpretation of the scriptures. This science is one that many people study for years and I feel there are so few concrete answers to interpretation. I know one side of the argument is for people to adhere to a literal application of the bible while some brush away HUGE truths (non-literal application) by covering them with a blanket of cultural irrelevancy.
5. (section of the bible) First of all, the bible is not out to get us. It's not out to steal our freedom, infact, it is there to free us. My brother-in-law asks, "If you could know with Absolute Certainty that Jesus Christ came as God's son to save the world and give us life and that the bible is God's chosen instrument of universal instruction, would you then submit yourself to its authority?"
It took me months to answer confidently.
Romans 3:20 Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sigh by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin. (OK, so what's next?) 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.
So, by believing this explanation of salvation by Paul is true, it makes me want to accept the rest of the story. --There's nothing I can do to make God love me, there's nothing I have to do, I just want to know the Spirit he left behind. Not necessarily know my spirit, but His. Then Col 3:14 says, And over all these virtuees put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you....
--So, peace and love come out of a thankfulness of the sacrifice (redemption) of Christ. (This answer has taken me a long time, ....*sigh)
6 and 7. I'd love to accomplish some hermeneutics with you guys on a gospel or one of paul's letters. Colossians is choc full of stuff that needs some dialogue. I think Mark and John are 2 of the most discussable Gospels. The Red Tent sounds VERY interesting but I think I'd rather discuss something less lengthy. I'm excited to contribute and to be challenged in my way of thinking. I imagine my background is more evangelical than the majority of you all since I went to a private (evangelical) christian college that (to my dismay) was fairly conservative (although not excessively). I also love it that the study is online. (So If I want to blog at 3am, i can. And I can also post over time as I'm reading and analyzing and I can make my thoughts more clear.) The only thing I'm wondering about is if anyone is easily offended at disagreements. I dont want to argue anything to the point of turning someone off and losing the good a group like this can accomplish. I'm excited.
--Sorry to pull up the rear, but someone's gotta do it. :)
oh yeah, BLUE LIKE JAZZ by Donald Miller is the BEST BOOK I've read about Christian Spirituality vs. Religion in today's culture. It's an easy read.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
(Slow) response to questions
1) I'm Amanda Thrasher, currently still living in Boone as a music education major. I take about a million classes a semester, so I was really excited when Amanda messeged me about this. "Gasp! A Bible study that I can actually do!" I can't wait to start teaching, but I'm also really excited about trying to get a book published. So far a lot of agents have been interested, so it looks like things might start happening soon.
2) Theme song: wow, I'm awful at this. I'm currently listening to Greenday's "Time of Your Life," so we'll say that. It sounds good.
3) I believe that we have a responsibility to make a positive change in the world. I also think our current socio-economic system needs major reformation, which kind of goes along with the first thing.
4) I want to know why the church is such a source of hatred against the marginilized in society, when it's the exact opposite of Jesus' actions.
5) I have a special place in my heart for the book of James. To me, it's the cannonized version of 'actions speak louder than words.' Sometimes I think that in the wake of Paul, the church puts too much emphasis on faith and not enough on actually doing what is right. I think what's more important is to continue to struggle to have correct actions, even if sometimes you're struggling through a valley. Granted, faith is important, but belief in forgivness isn't the same as 'I can do whatever because I'm forgiven anyways.' I hate the way sometimes I lose sight of what I'm supposed to do, because supposedly belief is enough. I mean, it's not like redemption excuses us from all future infractions, right? We still have to work, I think. (Sorry if I just kinda dissed on Paul...)
6) I'd really like to learn more about the prophets. I'm woefully ignorant when it comes to that section of the Bible.
7) I don't really have any suggestions, but I'm really excited about all of this. Reading everyone's responses has been wonderful. Sometimes locked in the music building it's hard to get to know anyone outside of the bubble of musicians, and I'm really looking forward to getting to know everyone. Everyone's posts are really deep and thoughtful, and a lot of it are things I haven't considered much. I guess I'll wrap up for now, but I'm so glad to be a part of this!!!
Monday, October 8, 2007
Where to go from here?
I have gone ahead and named everyone as an administrator so if you feel the need to change colors or add quotes (or delete quotes) on the side or whatever, go for it.
From our posts, it looks as if people are interested in studying the following things:
3 People interested in the Old Testament
2 People interested in a Gospel or the Gospels
Paul's Letters
the Apocrypha
a modern novelization of a bible story along with the scripture
Abby has mentioned that it might take a while for a novel to get to her in Greneda, so maybe we should start with something else, and if we think we're going to continue, she could work on getting a novel?
I realize several of us probably do not have a copy of the Apocrypha but I happen to know that Abby does, so I guess that would not be as much of an issue.
So, from what is stated above, where do we want to go? We could pick an Old Testament Book and a Gospel and read them side by side. We could try to study all 4 Gospels at once and their varying portrayal of things. We could follow the liturgy, which has a New Testament and Old Testament lesson for each day, as well as Psalms and readings from Letters (and the Apocrypha too, if we went by the Catholic one). Or we could pick one book in depth.
If you could, please think about it, and either post your first choice or an order of things you're interested in by Wednesday, and we can go from there. I am going to send a Facebook message just to make sure everyone is included who is interested.
I am sorry if this seems tedius, but I want to be sure everyone has input in what we are doing so that everyone feels included and is getting something out of it. If you honestly don't have any preference, feel free to say that.
I"m looking forward to seeing where this goes!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
My Answers
1. My name is Wendy, and currently I am living in Carrboro, NC (so I'm sort of Erin's neighbor I think). I just moved here about a month ago. I live with a UNC student from Taiwan. She's very quiet and tiny, and I just found out I think she's 30. Yikes! I'm working as a nanny right now for a pretty well off family with a 2 year old boy (Lucca) and a 4 year old girl (Gabi). Being a nanny is fun and it pays the bills, but I'm working on either finding a part time job or a volunteer opportunity where I feel like I'm making a bigger contribution.
2. A theme song for my life is kind of hard. I'm not all that musical, but I guess "Sister" by Dave Matthews or "A Different Jesus" by Ed Kilbourne.
3. I believe in God, and I believe that God is good and loving and in us all.
4. Lately I've been thinking a lot about worship. What it truly means to worship. And how do I worship? Because I don't really think it's a "worship service." One of my boyfriend's roommates is Jewish, and this week was Simchat Torah, which is the day when they finish reading the Torah (sort of like our lectionary) and to celebrate it they have a huge party where they literally dance with the Torah until 4:00 in the morning, because they are SO EXCITED THAT THEY GET TO START READING THE TORAH ALL OVER AGAIN. That just seems amazing to me. And I wish I got that excited about something.
5. I've been attending compline at an Episcopal church lately, and they sing or chant the psalms which I am really enjoying. There is so much thought and emotion and humanity in them. It's a part of the bible that is not so hard to connect to.
6. Honestly, I'd like to learn more about almost all of the bible.
7. Not yet.
question(ing) answers
2. Everyone’s a VIP to Someone by The Go! Team
3. I believe that I have an inherent responsibility to the world. I must live a life of integrity that will be defined by my commitment to the world.
4. I guiltily question the existence of God and the purpose of religion and spirituality. I qualify my questioning with guilt because there is a small part of me that wants so much to believe in God, to a conception of a god, to a sense of divinity at all. And, too, I don’t want to negate the purpose that spirituality serves in other peoples lives. (I should probably emphasize this one especially. I have such respect and admiration for people who have an active, meaningful, beautiful spirituality.) Having experienced it myself, it is more problematic for me to question and occasionally deny God’s existence and to question and discredit the importance of resultant religions and spirituality. But I do. Guiltily.
Perhaps better questions that I should ask in this forum are “Will I ever believe in God again? What role can reverence play in my life now? Is it wrong for me to participate in this group? How should I be affected by the studies we embark upon together? Can I even justifiably integrate what we discuss into my life if I claim to disbelieve its basic tenets?”
5. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16
This verse was scrawled on a bathroom stall door in my sixth grade hall and I would read it almost every day. I remember it to this day. It was always a sort of enigma to me. Who would graffiti the walls of a bathroom stall with bible verses? Of course, in reality, the whole school knew which girl had done it. And we all looked at her a little bit weirdly. But alone, contemplating those words in a darkened stall, I would wonder briefly about the type of faith that was so deep, so strong (as I liked to characterize it) that it could erupt out of sometime in the most banal situations. Of course, it could as easily be characterized as proselytizing. I don’t actually know what to make of it to this day. So in fact, it’s rather a bad example I guess. But somehow, somewhere it holds some meaning outside of its actual words to me.
6. Generally, I would like to learn more about what it means to have faith in something now. To me, having faith in something seems to be to release it from scrutiny and questioning. And I know that in this group in particular, faith is augmented by that process of questioning but I don’t understand if those questions are allowed to lead to rejections of doctrines. Is having faith supposed to lead to a molding of self in which all things are eventually accepted in religious doctrines and the horrors of life are transformed to a part of God’s will? How can people have faith as Christians when it seems that Christianity is flawed? How can it be okay to have faith in something so essential and important that is shaky with flaws?
7. I expect this to be an amazing forum for discussion and I’m really happy to be a part of it. I want to learn from all of you and I want to emphasize again that while I might seem critical or dismissive of things which are essential to you, I really really really don’t intend any disrespect or offense. I’m just a bit lost and I don’t know what to make of a subject matter that seems so essential to humankind. And also- the ways you have each talked about faith so far are incredibly beautiful.
Friday, October 5, 2007
my thoughts
1. I'm Colleen McKown, and I'm a senior at Davidson College. My major is Medieval and Renaissance Studies, which is an interdisciplinary studies/self-designed major (mainly English and History classes, with some religion and art history.) I am writing my senior thesis on St. Teresa of Avila, a 16th century Spanish Catholic reformer/nun/mystic. As to the common response of "that's really cool!! ummm....WHAT are you going to do with that," I hope to go into something in the writing/journalism/field (maybe public radio, documentary film, or news reporting...) but I have thought of almost every career option (professor, counselor, teacher, foreign service officer, etc, etc, etc.)
2. My song would be "Closer to Fine" by the Indigo Girls. To me, it's about someone who goes to extremes to try to find some sort of absolute truth to hold onto, and realizes that there are many answers to life's dilemmas, and that meaning is found when she learns to take herself less seriously and just live. I have tended, throughout life, to try to find something ultimate and absolute to hold onto. I usually end up completely rejecting it and trying to find something else...but in truth, meaning is found in the little things...late-night conversations with friends when you should really be studying, reading a book that really speaks to you, meeting someone new that you really connect with, sharing a great meal with friends, being there to listen to someone, even if you don't know what to say...
3. This whole search for the absolute is especially true regarding my spiritual journey. I started out as a liberal Christian...I've also dabbled in New Agey/Buddhist philosophy...I became an evangelical Christian for awhile...then rejected it and decided I was agnostic...I'm still searching...but I'm considering very liberal Christianity again. As for one thing I belive....I would say that it's important to spend your life doing things you are truly passionate about while honoring, respecting and loving others for who they are.
4. My question would be: what can we do, as educated members of American society, to help the injustice, inequity, and complete injustice that exists in the world? What are concrete ways we can live more consciously? One of my roommates this year did an urban service internship lsat summer, and it was her first real encounter with marginalized/truly poverty-stricken people. It completely changed her life...her values, career direction, everything. I know that one part of Christianity I do really agree with is the importance of embracing, loving, and helping those who are marginalized in our society. I am kind of repelled by the materialistic, capitalist and self-seeking society we live in, but I know that I am just as big a part of it as anyone else. I feel that there is such emptiness sometimes in our society...what can I do to bring a little more meaning into this world?
5. I like the story of Adam and Eve because it speaks so much about human nature...(I took a Milton class last semester on Paradise Lost...which is entirely the story of Adam and Eve...) I like the story in John when the scribes and Pharisees are about to stone the adultress and Jesus says, "Let anyone among you who is without sin cast the first stone," I like the story of the good samaritan and the one (not sure which book) where Jesus invites those who are poor/outcasts to come to the banquet. I also like 1 Corinthians 13. I am angered by passages that say man should be the head of the household, passages that speak out against female authority in church and homosexuals...
6. I'd like to look at the gospels from a social justice perspective...see how Jesus really lived life and how Jesus calls others to live their lives.
7. I would just like to learn more about what living life as a Christian looks like/should look like...I'm still searching for something meaningful spiriutally that places more emphasis on what you do in this life to live your faith than what happens after death. I really admire Christians who live Christ's example in their daily lives and I'd like to learn more about what this would look like.
2. at the moment, as far as a theme song, all i can think of is an avett brother's song (surprise): gift for melody anne which speaks of a heart being true. a soul feeling brand new...
3. i believe that there is a holiness dwelling in all people. and by honoring that holiness, we're honoring our Creator.
4. daily i question why i ended up in grenada... and i continue to wait and see...
5. the story of moses taking off his shoes (exodus 3ish?) in front of the burning bush means a lot to me right now. he takes off his shoes in recognition of the presence of God. in honor of the holy ground he is standing on. here in grenada, a lot of people walk around the neighborhood without shoes. reminds me to recognize God's presence, God's holiness in all places. on all ground. in all people.
6. there's always more about the old testament to learn. its quite overwhelming. the apocrypha is something i haven't really read before... and there's always more depth within the gospels to explore...
7. i'm open to pretty much anything. i'm very excited about hearing everyone's insights. and engaging in discussion. i've yet to find a spiritual small group to belong to here. erin's suggestion of the red tent with scripture sounds interesting... it may take me a while to get a hold of a copy of the novel, though. regardless of what we read/study, i'm already really thankful for this group...
My Answers . . . My Questions
2. Affirmation, by Savage Garden
Tiny Dancer, by Elton John
Taking the Long Way, by the Dixie Chicks
. . . still working on this one . . .
3. I believe that God is good. And I believe that there is a bit of the Divine in every part of Creation, and that our duty as humans is to honor the Divinity in other humans, animals, plants . . . Life. I believe that Jesus was a Lover and a Healer, and I believe the object of any religious pursuit should be to seek to live those qualities within our own lives. I believe in extravagance and creativity and music and dancing and art and beauty and the dignity of every human being and that the pursuit of happiness is not selfish if it's done the right way. I actually have an "Amanda's Affirmation of Faith" that I wrote when I was like 15 because I didn't believe exactly what the Apostle's Creed had to say. I still believe most of that, and I have it somewhere. I'll try to find it sometime.
4. I have a lot of questions. I wonder why Paul wrote a lot of things that seem sexist and homophobic. Even if he didn't mean them that way, why would God let them stay in the Bible and be used over and over again to break people? I wonder why the Bible gets so much authority and if it's really relevant to life today anyway. I wonder if God could be a mermaid, or a woman, or an ocean. Not literally, of course. But is God really anything, literally? Also, I wonder what we can do as humans to help heal and love the world we are in.
5. Umm. I hate the story of Lot, mostly because he gave his virgin daughters up to rapists and that is supposed to be a good thing. And that story makes me seriously question the bible's authority about anything sexual.
I love the story about Jesus having breakfast with his disciples after the Resurrection. I love how they don't recognize him at first, but he keeps on. I love how Jesus could just be with people, wherever they were. I really like Peter. I identify with him about a lot of things.
Recently, I've been thinking a lot about the story of Sampson and Delilah, from Delilah's perspective. There is a Regina Spektor song called Samson. It's very interesting. About love and lust and mistakes and not regretting things, and how the bible and history don't tell the whole story. I guess it kinda goes along with the Red Tent, which is a great book because it's the Old Testament from a woman's perspective.
6. I would like to know more about God. I am interested in the Old Testament or maybe some of Paul's letters.
7. I want a chance to dig into something and explore it and question it and learn from it and worship with it. I want a group of people to share that experience, where I can feel safe as who I am. I want the opportunity to share my thoughts and ask questions and reflect about what other people have to say. I want to encounter the bible and see what we find. I don't want to go in with a specific agenda and try to prove it; I want to go in with questions and see where we get led.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Answering the Questionnaire
Erin Hughes -- High School English Teacher -- Live in Chapel Hill
2. If you had a theme song for your life, what would it be?
David Bowie's Golden Years
3. One thing you believe
love = God and God = love
I really do think it's that simple.
4. One question you have
Who the hell let men have any say whatsoever about what goes in the Bible?
5. One verse/story/book or something else in the Bible that means something to you, and what it means - this could be something that angers you, confuses you, makes you think of Sunday School, reminds you of a song . . . whatever. All thoughts are welcome.
Pretty much anything regarding women in the Old Testament interests/confuses/angers me. Dinah, Esther, Ruth...everybody's some kind of victim and/or docile footnote in the story. And Esther? She has to fight the king and her reward for suriving is to marry the bastard? What is WITH that???? (This is not mentioning that the king's former wife was banished because she refused to humiliate herself...)
6. One area of Scripture/religion/the bible/faith that you would like to learn more about.
7. Any specific expectations you may have for this group or specific suggestions you may have such as a particular book or books you are interested in learning more about, a different format for discussion, or whatever is on your mind.
It would be interesting to read a modern novelization of a Bible story along with the actual scripture, possibly compare author interpretations and scripture.... like The Red Tent and the story of Rachel/Leah/Dinah?
Monday, October 1, 2007
I would like to go ahead and get started, so I was thinking for this first week maybe we could all just share briefly about where we are coming from. Sometime this week (before next Monday) if everyone could write a brief post, and share as much of the following as you are willing:
1. Your name/what you are doing/where you live
2. If you had a theme song for your life, what would it be?
3. One thing you believe
4. One question you have
5. One verse/story/book or something else in the Bible that means something to you, and what it means - this could be something that angers you, confuses you, makes you think of Sunday School, reminds you of a song . . . whatever. All thoughts are welcome.
6. One area of Scripture/religion/the bible/faith that you would like to learn more about.
7. Any specific expectations you may have for this group or specific suggestions you may have such as a particular book or books you are interested in learning more about, a different format for discussion, or whatever is on your mind.
:) Thanks. Much love to all of you. I am really excited about all that is to come!